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The Knights of Ni Present: Fusion 360 Tutorials
Intro to Joints
Note: Joints can only be used on components. If you are unable to make a joint because one or more of the jointed objects are bodies, right-click them in the browser and convert them to components.
There are 3 tools: Joint, as-built Joint, and Rigid Group. Joint will change the relative positioning of objects depending on the snap points you select, while as-built Joint and Rigid Group will maintain the same positioning, The Rigid Group can only be used to create rigid joints.
There are 7 types of joints in total, but we will only be covering the first 3 as they tend to be the most commonly used. They are the rigid joint, revolute, and slider.
The rigid group is pretty self-explanatory, as it is used to lock components in place relative to each other. Simply select the components you wish to group, activate the joint tool, and confirm using the menu.
The revolute joint is a bit more complex to create. Using the regular Joint tool, select the pivot point on the object that you want to rotate, and then select a point on another object to act as the hinge. (The objects are moved similarly to how the align tool would move them)
Doing this using an as-built joint is a bit easier. Assuming they are already in the correct position, simply select the objects and place the joint itself along the axis that Fusion detects. (I align the components first and follow up with an as-built joint in the video)
You now have everything you need to complete challenges #1-2 in Working with Components!
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